The very mention of Diwali makes us envision lights, colors, the aroma of desi-ghee laden laddus, and of course bright and beautiful dresses for all, isn’t it? Although the festival of lights is yet to come, who says you cannot shop in advance? It’s...
Independence Day isn’t far away — India is completing 75 years of independence this year. And what better outfit fits this occasion more than the much-loved saree! All around the country, from schoolgirls to elderly women, a white saree...
Less Perfection and More Authenticity! That’s what Ethnic clothes scream of. We show love, affection, and respect to one another by acknowledging traditional values that have been passed on from generation to generation. And what better way than...
India is known for its colorful and vibrant festivals, and Navaratri is one of them. As the name suggests, Navaratri stands for nine nights. Celebrated across India for centuries, Navaratri is a festival to honor the divine mother, the deity, and...
Navratri is knocking on the door. You might have already shopped for the voguish Chaniya Cholis and garish jewelry already, but if you are after that queeny traditional look you can’t miss out your hair-dos. Here we have compiled top Indian...
Navratri is a festival close to my heart. Garba and the confectionaries are partly the cause of it, but there is something most people overlook – “Feminisim”. You were not expecting that one, did you? The auspicious festival of...
“If everyone has it, I don’t want it” is my fashion motto of all the time. I take immense pride in wearing something unique and completely mine. To be truly novel and exclusive, you will have to mix up your wardrobe and create...
Gear up for the monsoons, announces the foreseers of weather to its people. Dress up for the monsoon, another message from the fashion police follows! Yes, with monsoon humming its tune from somewhere around the corners, when petrichor infuses your...
Monsoon and corona are going in hand the only thing that can help us from being sick is our immune system. In order to increase your immunity, you need to consume mainly those diets that are rich in plant-based foods. Especially the age groups that...
All of us love shopping online. However, many a time, we are not sure about the websites from where we should buy our clothing. There are a lot of websites that promise to deliver A1 clothing but to be honest, people do get fooled. I too have been...