Foods to Boost your Immunity this Monsoon Season

Foods to Boost your Immunity this Monsoon Season

Monsoon and corona are going in hand the only thing that can help us from being sick is our immune system. In order to increase your immunity, you need to consume mainly those diets that are rich in plant-based foods.

Especially the age groups that have higher risks are advised by the doctors to switch to only plant-based foods. High-risk patients are even suggested to switch to just fruits and leafy vegetables and avoid consuming dairy products or meat. Here is a list of some of the foods that will help you fight with disease in monsoon.

1. Citrus

Your body does not produce Vitamin C, which means that you have to take Vitamin C daily for your cells and healing. Vitamin C is generally found in leafy vegetables, oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, etc. They also act as antioxidants. They protect your cells from any damage that could possibly be caused by free radicals.

2. Red Pepper

Red peppers contain twice the amount of vitamin C contained in oranges. Want even more Vitamin C? Include red pepper in your diet! They also contain lots of Vitamin A which pumps up the skin. It is also responsible for keeping your eyes healthy.

3. Brocolli

It is advised to eat broccoli nearly raw so that the body can get most of the nutrients out of it. Not only is broccoli rich in Vitamin C, but it is also rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin E. They also contain phytochemicals that strengthen the immune system.

4. Garlic

Garlic not only enhances the taste, but it is also good for health. Ancient humans considered garlic to be an infection fighter. This is the reason why almost all of the traditional dishes recipes contain garlic in them. They are valued for fighting infections. Garlic increases the body’s ability to fight diseases and infections.

5. Ginger

Ginger is yet another ingredient that helps a lot in fighting illnesses. They help in decreasing inflammation and treats swollen glands and sore throat. Ginger is also added to most of the traditional recipes. However, you can also increase the intake of ginger tea in case you have to consume ginger.

6. Spinach

Spinach contains a lot of Vitamin C. In order to protect yourself from catching COVID, you must increase your intake of Vitamin C. Eat all the green leafy vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of vitamin C so that the immunity of your body increases. Eat spinach raw or lightly steamed as it contains more nutrients in that form.

7. Almonds

Almonds contain Vitamin E that is responsible for protecting the body against cold or flu. They also boost your immunity. A half-cup serving or 46 almonds can be eaten in a day. You can also make almond smoothies if you don’t wish to eat a lot of almonds at once.

8. Turmeric

This acts as a boon in treating and protecting the body against COVID. Turmeric is widely known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It contains the ingredient curcumin which is responsible for decreasing muscle soreness after an intense workout. It is advisable to increase the intake of Turmeric in times of flu as it fights inflammation and powers up the immune system.

9. Green Tea

Skip normal tea and coffee and sip green tea instead. It contains epigallocatechin gallate which is responsible for boosting immune function. You can drink 3 to 5 cups of green tea in a day. in fact, even a cup of green tea is better than nothing.

10. Papaya

Papaya has the capability to deliver twice the amount of Vitamin C in one fruit than the recommended amount that you should take in a day. It contains an enzyme called papain that has anti-inflammatory effects. Bacterial infections like sinusitis can be fought easily by consuming papayas.

11. Zinc

It is very important to increase the intake of zinc if you want to protect your body from catching COVID. Increase the consumption of Shellfish, Poultry, and Beans in order to protect your body. It is also found in cereals and bread.

12. Water

All of us have been hearing that water is the elixir of life and during these times it proves to be. It is important for you to drink lots of water and keep your body hydrated. This is because it helps in carrying all the important nutrients to those cells and parts of the body where they need to go.

13. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is found in various foods like bananas, chicken, chickpeas, nutritional yeast, etc. They boost the lymphatic system and helps in the formation of new and healthy red blood cells.

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