How to Live A More Organized Life? Tips and Tricks

How to Live A More Organized Life? Tips and Tricks

First things first, if you are here, make sure to read the article with a notepad so as to write down points you think work well for you. If not that , just bookmark the entire page for later use. See, a stich in time saves nine, does not it? With so much information online, it is tough to keep track of things that actually work. Not just information, with so many chores and activities, it is tough to decide where to actually begin.

Before jumping into the list of how to get more organized, we would like to share a truly inspirational quote that sums up the text well in a single line.

Benjamin Franklin got it right, did not he? Well, with no more delay, let’s understand how to inculcate the quote in our everyday life. Below listed are some common yet efficient strategies that will help you get a grip over your personal and professional life. Even if you end up using half of the ones mentioned, you are bound to see a remarkable change in your life.

Pen and Paper are your best friends

The average human brain can only save up to 7 things in short term memory. No matter how confident you are, it is likely that you will forget a thing or two, if not more of your mental To-Do List. Hence, it is better to jot down all the work-big or small in a journal, notepad or any other system that works well for you. Also, the feeling of ticking off a “Check”, it is amazing, is not it?

Use a system

It is not necessary that writing down is always in a journal. Some people prefer creative bullet lists, others prefer bulletin boards. Tech savvy individuals reading the blog, you can exhale if writing things down seems a bother to you. To the ones who prefer typing and a more digitalized approach, there apps such as Google Calendar, Trello, Google Sheets, Evernote and Microsoft To-Do among many others.  Try a few of these and then understand what works the best for you.

Eat that frog first

The most important task is always the one you dread the most. You tip toe around it, claiming “at least I cleaned the cupboard” when writing that evaluation report is definitely more necessary than cleaning the cupboard. Do the nastiest task first. Ask yourself, if you could only get three things done today, which three would those be ?

Live Minimalistic

Hoarding unnecessary stuff is not only bad for the environment, it is also bad for your mental epace. Most of the stuff we have is not exactly useful, but we have an emotional attachment to it. Sometimes, we buy things impulsively.  Don’t complicate your life by hoarding unnecessary stuff which will lead to a) more budgeting and keeping a track of what did you spent and where b) chaos in the house, when the space is insufficient in comparison to your possessions.

Declutter once a month

If you are wondering why it pays to declutter your digital life, let me tell you that many psychological researches have shown that a messy home can lead to higher levels of cortisol and uneasiness. Decluttering not only makes work more efficient, it also prevents squabbles with family members or roommates over tidy-ness as all of us have different ideas about what a clean place is. A shambolic environment further reduces productivity and focus.

Follow up is necessary

Some people really dig the planning phase of work, after all it is fun to dream of all these big ideas and break them down into smaller pieces. The process is especially more captivating if pretty stationery is involved xD But, one must be a thinker as well as a doer. We need to measure the achieved targets with the desired or “planned” targets. This aids one to gauge the gap between where we are and where we want to be.

Plan your outfits a day in advance

“Beauty is on the inside” might be a consoling we say to a friend who is going through a bad haircut phase, what it definitely is not, is a daily mantra we chant and believe consciously. Looks are important, but not so much that you end up wasting the precious hours of the morning trying 11 outfits. Plan your week’s outfits on a Sunday, along with accessories so that you can just slip into them the following day. If not a week, at least plan the next day’s outfit well in advance.

Schedule worry breaks

This is something I came across in a Robin Sharma book which I feel is an apt trick for people who tend to spiral in the loop of overthinking. Just as you have a time for the gym, set up a time for worrying. That way, instead of multi-tasking every chore with overthinking, you assign twenty whole minutes to it, nothing more. Worrying constantly, makes you forget things and do everything you need to do, half -heartedly.

Don’t Parkour

If you have to buy vegetables at nine, and write an important email at 10.00, your brain will be jumping from one disparate task to other. Club similar seeming or really short tasks together.

  • Similar Tasks – As for example, if you are going vegetable shopping, you could visit the ATM and get your Tuffen/ Toughened glass for the mobile repaired at the same time too. All three are outdoor activities and probably located in the same vicinity.
  • Short Tasks– If you have to wipe off your table, write a two line text to a friend and water your plants; you could do all of them in merely 20 minutes. Hence, they can be done in a flow.

Might it be short or similar, both the tricks work well and are sure to boost your productivity  🙂

Use the Eisenhower Matrix

The image is self explanatory. Basically, we break down tasks into four categories based on two arenas. I shall not get into their definitions as the ones given above are lucid. Instead, I shall give an example based on each category that shall hopefully help you understand the nature of each compartment 🙂

  1. Q1 ( Very important, very urgent)  Payment of school fees of children a week before the end late or for students reading this, submission of an important assignment. This needs to be done in maximum of a week, no more than that. In some situations, maybe even couple of hours.
  2. Q2 ( Very important, not urgent)–  You want to lose five kgs. It is vital for biological well being and socio-psychological too. But, one cannot realistically lose 5kgs in a week unless you stop eating everything and probably end up fainting. Schedule exercising four times a week and slowly achieve your goals.
  3. Q3 (Not important, very urgent)- If you are a professional, this box is for delegating. Replying to certain mails or booking flights come under this. A personal goal could be getting your eyebrows done, it seems petty but its urgent as you have a wedding to attend.
  4. Q4 (Not important, not urgent)- You have to buy your daughter a new hairband. It is not that important as she already has three of them, but she wishes to wear a particular golden one. It is not that urgent either ( assuming your child does not throw tantrums) hence, it can be scheduled conveniently.

This matrix is widely popular in organizations, but can be applied for personal life as well if you are struggling with becoming organized.

Back up Everything

Keep your devices updated, so that just in case of an accident, you don’t end up losing everything. Remember, prevention is better than cure and though, this definitely is a task filled with boredom, it is required.

Parkinson’s Law

This one is a personal favorite among all the ” tips to be more organized I have read” Parkinson’s Law states that the amount of work expands to fill the time available for its completion. This simply means if I assign two hours for a simple task such as reading the newspaper, it will take me two hours even though I can read it in 45 minutes. This does not mean we should overestimate ourselves and expect rapid results, but mainly it points towards the biggest contemporary hurdle we face as Gen Z, procrastination. Set firm deadlines and bask in the glory.

Ideals exist in an ideal world

Don’t cut down on sugar entirely or stop watching movies all together. We understand you wish to increase productivity through organization but baby steps at a time. The All or Nothing attitude is not healthy or doable. If you forget to track progress one week, don’t give up on the plan all together. It is NOT  now or never. Excellence, is a habit.

Know what you want

This seems obvious, but most people don’t know what they want. Sure, they see themselves with a BMW or a beautiful woman but those are post result attainments. As for example, someone might aspire to be a chartered accountant, to be affluent enough to buy the said BMW. For becoming a chartered accountant, I have successfully cleared the first round. Which means for now my long term goal is to clear the second stage of the examination. This goal itself can be broken down into smaller goals, which shall be subjective to each individual.


That’s the end of our To-Do List, I guess I get a check for successfully writing this blog, don’t I? Haha, believe me the feeling of ticking off a task from your list is such an addictive feeling, you won’t be able to stop once you begin. We would like to end  this write-up with a succinct quote listed below.

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