Smart Shopping Tips To Keep Bad Buys At Bay

Smart Shopping Tips To Keep Bad Buys At Bay

Apparel and accessories of every kind and everywhere,

Still, you do not find anything to wear!

Are you an impulsive shopper? Well, most women are guilty of shopping unnecessarily and then yelling, “I have nothing to wear”!

All jokes apart! Are you one of them?

Well, shopping is indeed a good exercise, or else, the concept of retail therapy would not have been there, right? However, impulsive shopping is not a good idea at all. It is an utter waste of time and money because, at the end of the day, you are not going to wear those things that you bought out of impulsiveness.


And, clothing, as we all know, gets old and outdated with every changing season. Let me tell you a secret. I was a big-time shopaholic and happened to make most of the bad buys in the family. However, gradually I understood that I need to be more responsible while shopping, especially clothes. So, I tried some tips that ended up being life(pocket)-savers for me.

Here I have listed those smart tips that helped me get over bad buys, and hopefully, these will help you too! Let us take a quick look!

A shopping list to stick to it!

Buying needless things was kind of compatible with me. Every time I visited a store, I saw something tempting, and it got installed in my wardrobe. Yes, you heard it right, installed, because I will wear it maybe once or probably, never. I was getting agitated with this habit. And then I realized that I should make a shopping list before shopping and stick to it. It actually helped me control my freaky pattern of spur-of-the-moment shopping.


So, before you go out shopping, write down what you need to buy on a piece of paper or your phone. Trust me, it works. Although it might take some time, eventually you will become a responsible shopper. And, if you planning to get something new for monsoon clothing, check out these 14 Outfits to Slay the Monsoon Look Like a Pro!

Sleep on your cart for a day and see the difference

Nothing entices me, (in fact) most of us, more than things like Buy-One-Get-One, Sale, Discount Offers, Up to 50%, 70% Off, Free Product, and blah, blah, blah. Isn’t it? What I did earlier – I saw, I added to the cart, and I ordered then and there. Soon, I realized that I ended up placing orders after orders only to see my wardrobe cluttered. You know, at times, I completely forgot about the shopping orders that I have placed until my doorbell rang for a parcel, another parcel, and yet another parcel.

To break this chain of impulsive shopping, I decided to wait for some hours or a day before placing the orders in an instant. Trust me, wherever I did this, I found that I was about to make an unimportant purchase, but thankfully, I checked myself. So, if you are also guilty of unnecessary online purchases, try to do what I did.

A capsule wardrobe is the best!

Earlier, I used to buy every single thing that seems to be trending, right from clothing, accessory to makeup. And, as usual, those ended up becoming fossils inside my closet. However, I have learned the concept of a capsule wardrobe from my cousin, and it saved me from impulse-induced bad buying days like anything. So, now I invest in statement products that not only make my closet clutter-free but also stay there for long, say a classic watch, a statement bag, etc., instead of shopping like a madwoman.


When are you transforming your closetful of unnecessary things into a capsule wardrobe with the prettiest and classic collection? You can also try some of The Stunning Shades of Summer 2020 for a colorful twist to your summer and monsoon wardrobe.

Budget! Budget!! Budget!!!

Apart from the statement basics for the capsule wardrobe, we also need many other things. So, as I told you to make a list of products you need to buy beforehand, it is crucial to fix a budget and stick to it, even if extravagance and unlimited buys are attracting you. This way, your tendency to make rash buying decisions are most likely to get under control.


You will not believe it, but this wallet-and-time-saving hack has helped me a lot with my tendency to buy things simply for nothing. Although it did not happen overnight and look a couple of attempts, it worked.

Buy because it suits you not others!

Buy an outfit because it suits you and you like it, not because your friend’s, mother’s, aunt’s, granddaughter’s girl has the same dress. Haha! Many times, we do such silly things while shopping for outfits and end up buying crappy dresses that don’t even suit us.

So, try to get more creative with your outfits so that you don’t feel the urge to buy a new one every single day.

Shop when you are calm!

Are you one of those lovely ladies who impulsively shop after something not-so-good happens to them, maybe a bad and long day at the office, breakup, or an argument with parents, etc.? I would suggest you not to shop when you are more prone to make bad buying decisions. Wait until your head gets calm.


If you find it hard to stay calm, don’t go shopping, go for a coffee break instead. It’s more relaxing than spending your money on bad buys. Or, the best you can do is, practice these 10 of the Best Yoga Poses For Women. These yoga asanas are not only good for your body but also your mind. And practicing them regularly will help you calm down all your senses.

I understand it really well that shopping uplifts the mood and helps you relieve stress. And there is no harm in shopping your heart out. However, I will also suggest to you to be an informed shopper and say goodbye to bad buying days.

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